Zone Physical Therapy

Exceptional Physical Therapy for Active Recovery

Physical therapy is a critical component in the journey to wellness, especially for those recovering from injury, surgery, or managing chronic pain. Our clinic’s physical therapists are not only experts in their field but are also experienced in a broad range of treatment modalities designed to keep you active and support your recovery.

Highly Qualified Physical Therapy Experts

Each of our physical therapists comes with a substantial background of education and practical experience. Their expertise is built on solid foundations of advanced degrees and certifications, coupled with years of treating patients with a variety of conditions and injuries.

Customized Treatment Approaches in Greenville, SC

Recognizing that every patient has unique needs, our therapists specialize in creating customized treatment plans. These plans are meticulously developed to address the individual’s specific injuries, surgical recovery needs, or chronic conditions, ensuring a more effective and personal recovery experience.

Comprehensive Treatment Spectrum

We take pride in our therapists’ versatility and their ability to provide an extensive range of treatments. Below are some of the core treatment types offered by our expert therapists.

What We Treat


Living an active lifestyle is important, but arthritis can make it challenging to participate in the physical activities you love. Stiffness, swelling, and joint pain may have sidelined you, but the physical therapy experts..


Back Pain and Sciatica

If you’re an athlete or former athlete eager to return to an active lifestyle, nagging back pain and sciatica can stand in your way. But you don’t have to just “live with it.” Customized physical therapy at Zone Physical..


Balance and Gait Disorders

Have you noticed yourself feeling increasingly unsteady on your feet lately? Do you feel like you’re losing your balance more easily or have trouble walking efficiently? Balance and gait issues can arise for many reasons..


Baseball Throwing Injuries

Baseball may be America’s favorite pastime, but for many amateur and professional ballplayers, the repetitive throwing motion required can cause painful and debilitating injuries. If you’re suffering from chronic shoulder..


Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain is exhausting. The constant discomfort, stiffness, and extreme sensitivity make even simple movements feel impossible some days. From the moment you wake up, it dictates nearly everything you do.


Dizziness and Vertigo

Feeling lightheaded, off-balance, or like the room is spinning? Many adults will experience vertigo or dizziness significant enough to impact their work, life enjoyment, or safety. While disorienting and disruptive..


Elbow, Wrist, or Hand Pain

If your elbows, wrists, or hands cause you frequent pain or limit your ability to live actively, you don’t have to suffer. Customized physical therapy from our experienced team at Zone Physical Therapy PT can help..



If you’re one of over 5 million American adults suffering from widespread pain, fatigue, cognitive issues, and sleep problems due to fibromyalgia, you know how debilitating this chronic condition can be.


Foot or Ankle Pain

Whether you’re an athlete, weekend warrior, or simply want to walk without discomfort, foot and ankle pain can grind your active lifestyle to a halt. At Zone Physical Therapy , our licensed physical therapists have years..


Golfing Injuries

Do you love playing golf but find yourself sidelined by nagging pain and injuries? As an athlete or former athlete looking to maintain an active golfing lifestyle, injuries can quickly derail your game..



If you’re one of the many who suffer from regular headaches, you know how much they can interfere with all aspects of life. But you don’t have to keep popping pain pills and hoping for the best – there are drug-free..


Hip & Knee pain

Living with constant hip or knee pain makes everything harder. Getting up and down the stairs. Going for a jog. Just getting through your workday comfortably. You start questioning the activities you love.


Motor Vehicle Accident

If you’ve recently been in a car crash, motorcycle accident, or other collision, you may be struggling with pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility from your injuries. At Zone Physical Therapy in Greenville, SC..


Neck Pain

Do you struggle to turn your head or check your blind spot while driving? Feel a sharp pang in your neck reaching for an object? Or wake with recurring stiffness and soreness in your upper spine? If so, you’re far from alone.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Living with pelvic organ prolapse can make daily life painfully uncomfortable. You may struggle with issues like incontinence, painful intercourse, constipation, or a persistent heavy feeling in your pelvis.


Pre/Postnatal Pain

With pregnancy, the body experiences many changes, including postural adjustments, increased load on the pelvic floor, and stretching and thickening of the ligaments. Changes such as these can cause..


Running Injuries

Have you been sidelined from running due to nagging knee pain or recurring calf injuries? If so, you’re not alone. Running injuries are extremely common, affecting up to 79% of regular runners each year.


Shoulder Pain

If your shoulder has been letting you down lately, you’re not alone. Shoulder pain affects an estimated 20% of the population at any given time. Whether caused by injury, poor posture, overuse, or simply getting older..


Sports Injuries

If you’re an athlete or active individual who has sustained an impactful sports-related injury, you understand the mental and physical challenges it can present. Beyond the initial pain and discomfort, a severe injury often..



Do you suffer from chronic jaw, face, or neck pain? Have you been experiencing headaches, difficulty chewing, or popping and clicking in your jaw? If so, you may have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD)..


A Focus on Active Lifestyles

We believe in not just treating the condition but also in promoting an active lifestyle that can prevent future injuries. Our therapists provide education on injury prevention and lifestyle modifications to keep you moving and enjoying the activities you love.

Evidence-Based Practice in Greenville, SC

Staying abreast of the latest research is paramount in our practice. Our therapists employ evidence-based techniques to ensure that our patients benefit from the most current and scientifically supported treatments available.

Your Partner in Health

Our therapists view themselves as your partner in health. They are dedicated to not only assisting you in recovery but also in maintaining and enhancing your overall physical well-being for the long term.