Category: Running

Feb2nd 2023

The Soggy Sock: Running by Distance vs. Time (Part 2)

Written by Christina Schultz Recently, we discussed why measuring training in time can be very advantageous for the purpose of keeping efforts consistent. Now, we are going to discuss when I like to measure training in terms of distance. Generally, I start thinking more in terms of distance when approaching a race or entering competition

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Jan19th 2023

The Soggy Sock: The Key to Aerobic Development

Written by Christina Schultz Much of your development as a runner is not done during flashy speed workouts, or tempo days. As much as I love for runners to strength train, that’s not the key piece I’m talking about either.  It’s during “easy” runs. Consistent, relaxed runs at an aerobic pace are where you should

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Jan18th 2023

The Soggy Sock: Running by Distance vs. Time

Written by Christina Schultz Should you be planning and tracking workouts based on distance or time? Yes. But I am biased to time. As someone who traditionally has always been under coaches that relied heavily on distance, this was an adjustment for me-but one I feel confident with. Now to be clear, there are a

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