Written by Christina Schultz This is the light at the end of the tunnel folks- Peak Week! At this point in your training, you have built a strong base and progressed to more and more specific...
Zone Physical Therapy
Soggy Sock
The Soggy Sock: Building From The Base
Written by Christina Schultz In our last newsletter, we discussed building a base for your training. This is your foundation for the rest of your season, cycle, or year. Generally speaking, no...
The Soggy Sock: Top 3 Things That Make Up Your Base
Written by Christina Schultz The base of your fitness is arguably the most important component of your training cycle but what does that mean? It should give you the tools that you need for a...
The Soggy Sock: Navigating Pain as a Runner
Written by Christina Schultz Even if you are doing everything right, aches and pains will still come at some point in your training. It’s just part of the territory. It’s important that we keep in...
The Soggy Sock: Speed Play
Written by Christina Schultz We’re all guilty of taking running too seriously- too stringent on the numbers (pace, distance, time) in an attempt to make it make sense. Don’t get me wrong, the...
The Soggy Sock: Tempo Variations
Written by Christina SchultzIf you’re new to the runners’ world and haven’t heard the term “tempo” thrown around yet you probably will soon. If you are a veteran runner and still wonder what we...
The Soggy Sock: Running by Distance vs. Time (Part 2)
Written by Christina Schultz Recently, we discussed why measuring training in time can be very advantageous for the purpose of keeping efforts consistent. Now, we are going to discuss when I like to...
The Soggy Sock: The Key to Aerobic Development
Written by Christina Schultz Much of your development as a runner is not done during flashy speed workouts, or tempo days. As much as I love for runners to strength train, that’s not the key piece...
The Soggy Sock: Running by Distance vs. Time
Written by Christina SchultzShould you be planning and tracking workouts based on distance or time? Yes. But I am biased to time. As someone who traditionally has always been under coaches that...
4 Ways To Get Back To Running After A Long Break
It is just after the New Year and that means that many people will get back to running again to get their exercise fix. Maybe your New Year’s resolution is that you want to start running or you want...
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