Zone Physical Therapy

Arthritis in Greenville, SC

Arthritis in Greenville Personalized Care

Living an active lifestyle is important, but arthritis can make it challenging to participate in the physical activities you love. Stiffness, swelling, and joint pain may have sidelined you, but the physical therapy experts at Zone Physical Therapy use proven techniques to get you moving comfortably again. Our experienced physical therapists specialize in treating all types of arthritis and helping athletes, manual laborers, weekend warriors, and active seniors resume their active way of life without joint pain holding them back.

Arthritis in Greenville, SC Overview: What’s Causing Your Joint Pain and Stiffness?

Arthritis is an umbrella term for over 100 conditions affecting the joints, with symptoms often worsening with age. While joint wear-and-tear (osteoarthritis) is most common, other types like rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis involve immune responses attacking joint tissues.

Common arthritis symptoms include:

  • Joint pain, tenderness
  • Swelling, stiffness
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Difficulty with activities

Contributing factors can include:

  • Prior joint injuries
  • Overuse, repetitive movements
  • Excess weight putting pressure on joints
  • Genetics

No matter what type of arthritis you have, the common symptoms and limitations of living actively can be frustrating. The pain, swelling, and stiffness make exercise difficult, while inactivity causes muscles to weaken and tighten, resulting in even worse pain and disability down the road. It becomes a vicious cycle. The good news? Proven physical therapy treatments can help manage your symptoms, restore mobility and strength, and get you able to confidently resume activities despite arthritis so joint pain doesn’t dictate your lifestyle.

Customized Treatment for Lasting Pain Relief and Mobility

Treatment begins with a thorough examination by your physical therapist to determine which joints are involved, identify limitations in mobility/strength, and pinpoint factors contributing to your pain and disability. Armed with this knowledge, your therapist will design a customized treatment plan utilizing the most effective combination of the following evidence-based physical therapy techniques:

1. Pain Management and Joint Mobility Treatment

  • Manual therapy techniques like massage, joint mobilization/manipulation
  • Heat/ice therapy
  • TENS/electrical stimulation
  • Ultrasound

These hands-on techniques aim to alleviate pain and inflammation in affected joints, reduce muscle tension surrounding them, and improve mobility/range of motion so you can complete daily tasks and exercise without stiffness or pain holding you back.

2. Strengthening Exercises
Specific strengthening exercises target muscle weakness and imbalance issues exacerbating joint instability and pain. Improving strength protects joints from further damage while also making it easier and less painful to stay active.

3. Flexibility and Range of Motion Exercises
Gentle stretching keeps muscles flexible rather than shortened and tight, improving mobility and joint alignment. Your therapist identifies limitations in range of motion and designs a customized flexibility program.

4. Balance and Gait Training
Poor balance and improper walking mechanics put excess pressure on arthritic joints. Customized balance exercises and gait training help improve stability and alignment for pain-free mobility.

While each treatment component plays an important role, it’s the combined approach that provides optimal relief. Your therapist will adjust your plan based on your response to treatment and progress made.

Lasting Results Through Patient Education and Self-Management

Rehabilitation doesn’t end when you walk out our clinic doors. Your therapist will provide tailored education and strategies so you can confidently manage symptoms on your own including:

  • Proper posture, joint protection, and body mechanics for daily activities
  • Activity modification guidance – pacing, rest breaks
  • Home exercise program for maintaining flexibility, strength gains
  • Weight management support
  • Assistive device recommendations as needed

Armed with this knowledge and tools, you’ll be equipped to keep making progress and remain active without joint limitations holding you back.

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods should I avoid if I have arthritis?
While no specific foods have been conclusively proven to worsen arthritis, many people report that nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers) and dairy may increase inflammation and joint pain. An elimination diet supervised by a doctor or nutritionist can help determine if any foods trigger your symptoms. Overall, maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced, anti-inflammatory diet is recommended.

What is the fastest way to treat arthritis?
Treating arthritis is about managing long-term symptoms rather than a quick fix. Using a combination of hands-on physical therapy techniques and customized exercise provides the most effective, lasting relief by addressing musculoskeletal factors contributing to your joint pain and stiffness. Committing to PT and continuing exercises at home yields the best results long-term.

Why is arthritis so painful?
Arthritis affects the cushioning cartilage and lubricating synovial fluid inside joints, causing painful inflammation when bone rubs against bone. Factors like excess weight, muscle weakness, and poor movement patterns put added stress on damaged joints as well, worsening pain and stiffness, on top of the already present chronic inflammation.

What is the main cause of arthritis?
Osteoarthritis stemming from years of wear and tear is the most common cause in adults. Other types like rheumatoid arthritis involve the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy tissue in joints. contributors can include joint overuse/injury, genetics, excess weight, infection, or unknown autoimmune triggers in the case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Meet Your Arthritis Specialist Physical Therapists

Dr. Christina Schultz, DPT
Our staff stays current on the latest arthritis research and rehabilitation techniques through continuing education. Your personalized treatment plan draws from our therapists’ specialized expertise in helping athletes, laborers, and active adults effectively minimize joint pain and limitations of arthritis. We also collaborate closely with your doctor and other specialists like physical therapist or rheumatologists to ensure seamless, integrated care.

Start Living Activity Free of Arthritis Pain – Schedule a Consultation

If joint stiffness, swelling or arthritis pain are interfering with activities you love, take action now – the longer you wait the worse symptoms get. Call Zone Physical Therapy at (864) 263-7390 to schedule a thorough evaluation and start treatment designed to get you moving comfortably again! We help take the “old” out of “feeling old before your time” – reclaim the active lifestyle you deserve despite arthritis.

About The Author

Dr. Scott Kaylor, a licensed Co-founder, Physical Therapist, empowers patients to unlock their full potential in Physical Therapy, Sports Injuries, and IASTM. Years of experience fuels their passion for helping individuals reclaim vibrant lives. At Zone Physical Therapy in Greenville, SC, Dr. Scott Kaylor combines innovative techniques with personalized care, tackling a broad spectrum of physical challenges.

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Will Hunnicutt

I am a runner in my 30s and developed knee pain that was significantly limiting my running. I worked with Christina who did a great job of addressing the pain and focusing on the underlying cause to strengthen/improve my knee. I am now back running again without any pain after less than two months of working with Christina. She is very knowledgeable, easy to work with, and very flexible for those with busy schedules. Definitely recommend Christina and Scott at Zone Physical Therapy for anyone with any physical therapy needs.

Kristin McCall

I had a great experience with Scott at Zone Physical Therapy. I am a mom of 3 and moving from being a casual runner to running more miles and pushing further and harder. I was struggling with pain while running and went to see Scott to get me back on track. He immediately saw the problem and worked to strengthen me and get me back to running pain free. He also helped me to set some running goals and gave me some skills and exercises to keep me strong and injury free while training. I’m glad to say that I’m pain free and training for my first half marathon, thanks to Scott and my time at Zone.