Zone Physical Therapy


How To Stop Peeing When Coughing, Sneezing Or Laughing

December 14, 2021

Urine leaking can be quite embarrassing, and strike at the worst time – peeing when coughing is a common complaint. But it’s more common than you might think.

With a massive range of products in stores to wear which absorb urine, some people with minor incontinence issues are able to manage this problem without others knowing.

However, what if you don’t want to manage this – and want to stop it?

Thankfully, there are natural ways to treat urine leakage, so you don’t need to fear an accident when you cough, laugh, or sneeze for the rest of your life.

In this blog, we share six proven ways to stop peeing when coughing, sneezing or laughing.

Why Do I Pee When I Cough, Sneeze Or Laugh?

If you are dealing with uncontrollable urine leaking when you cough, sneeze, jump, laugh or run you may have stress urinary incontinence.

Stress incontinence is where the pressure in your bladder becomes too much for your urethra to remain closed.

Your urethra is a tube that urine passes through to leave the body, and can struggle to hold when you are laughing, coughing or sneezing. These actions create extra pressure which results in leakage.

If you are noticing loss of bladder control when you laugh out loud at your favourite TV show, or sneeze, you are probably struggling with urinary incontinence.

This can be very common, but it is also very treatable and not something you have to live with for the rest of your life. Try these helpful tips to get you started.

How To Stop Peeing When Coughing, Sneezing Or Laughing

1 – Pelvic Floor Muscle Activation

First try to find your pelvic floor muscles and perform a good strong contraction. This will feel like the muscles in between your sit bones are tightening and pulling up and in.

2 – Pelvic Floor Muscle Relaxation

You should also be able to feel your muscles fully relax after completing the contraction. This should feel like the muscles in your pelvic floor are lengthening and lowering.

3 – Pelvic Floor Muscle Coordination

Once you can feel a good pelvic floor muscle contraction and relaxation, we want this motion to be coordinated with your breathing. When you breathe in your pelvic floor muscles should relax and lower and when you breathe out your pelvic floor should contract and lift. This coordination is important for these muscles to provide the functional support that you need with your daily activities.

4 – Posture

Your posture can also affect the tension you are putting on your pelvic floor which can also affect its ability to function. When you are sitting, try to sit so that you can feel both of your sit bones evenly. You don’t want your pelvis to be tipped too far forward and you don’t want to be rocked back sitting on your tailbone. Try to find this good neutral position and then practice the pelvic floor contraction and relaxation exercise with your breathing.

5 – Breathe

Make sure that you are always breathing, especially when you are doing high-stress activities such as bending, lifting, pushing, or pulling. Try to “exhale with exertion” meaning that you are breathing out while working harder to help naturally engage your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles when they are most needed.

6 – Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

There can be many different factors contributing to stress incontinence such as hip and low back mobility, breathing and postural mechanics, and muscle tension and trigger points. A PT can assess your individual problem and identify the areas to work on to see the best and fastest results to help you get back to doing everything you love without worrying about leaking.

How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Can Stop Urine Leaking

Zone Physical Therapy have worked with lots of women, and men overcome urinary incontinence so they can enjoy life without worrying about uncontrollable urine leakage.

Right now, we are currently offering a limited number of free Pelvic Floor Assessments where you can speak to a member of the team and discover the best treatment options available to you.

In our Greenville clinic, we are experiencing extremely high demand for pelvic floor physical therapy as more and more patients take control of their own healthcare.

Our team have helped hundreds of people, just like you, improve their pelvic health and we would love to help you!

To arrange your free Pelvic Floor Assessment – Request An Appointment or call us on (864) 351-7254.

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