Zone Physical Therapy

Dizziness and Vertigo in Greenville, SC

Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Greenville, SC

Feeling lightheaded, off-balance, or like the room is spinning? Many adults will experience vertigo or dizziness significant enough to impact their work, life enjoyment, or safety. While disorienting and disruptive, dizziness and vertigo can stem from treatable causes. By identifying the underlying source and following customized treatment plans, patients can reduce symptoms and regain active lifestyles.

Understanding Dizziness and Vertigo in Greenville, SC

Dizziness encompasses lightheadedness, faintness, imbalance, visual disturbances, and positional symptoms that limit stability and coordination. Vertigo specifically involves the perception that you or your surroundings are moving or spinning. This intense false sensation frequently causes nausea and significantly impairs balance.

Both debilitating conditions manifest from issues including:

  • Inner ear problems like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) or vestibular neuritis
  • Cervicogenic dizziness originating from neck mobility or tissue irritation
  • Cardiovascular causes like low blood pressure
  • Neurological conditions including migraines or seizures
  • Medication side effects
  • Metabolic imbalances

Left untreated, persistent dizziness and vertigo increase fall risks and fractures, limit independence, raise anxiety, and reduce overall wellness. Our Zone Physical Therapy specialists accurately diagnose the underlying cause and craft tailored treatment plans to resolve the source of imbalance rather than merely masking symptoms.

Customized Treatment Focused on Both Body and Brain

The complexity behind balance and equilibrium highlights why simply medicating dizziness fails long-term. Achieving lasting symptom relief instead requires targeted therapies retraining both the body and brain together. Our experienced vestibular/balance-focused physical therapists offer specialized assessment and treatment including:

1. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)
This program specifically targets the inner ear and brain connection governing balance, stability, and spatial awareness. Through controlled movements and positions, VRT helps retrain the brain to properly interpret sensory signals again, reducing disorientation and vertigo over time. Patients regain stability and confidence during movement or changes in posture.

2. Balance and Gait Training
Poor balance frequently accompanies dizziness and vertigo. Our therapists evaluate impairments during static standing or dynamic transitions during gait and movement. After assessing areas of weakness, we develop personalized exercise-based programs to strengthen stabilizer muscles, practice weight shifts, improve range of motion, and challenge your balance control system. The goal focuses on reactive stability and coordination (especially when provoked).

3. Manual Therapy
Joint, muscle, or soft tissue restrictions – especially in the cervical spine – can contribute to sensorimotor imbalance and vertigo. Skilled manual techniques like joint mobilization, myofascial release, soft tissue massage, and muscle energy techniques can alleviate these contributors. Increased neck mobility and reduced pain improves proprioceptive signaling and blood flow.

Additional Service Options:

  • Cervical Spine Therapy: Specialized exercises plus manual therapy directly targeting the neck if determined to be an underlying cause.
  • Visual-Vestibular Integration Training: Retrains the eyes and inner ear to coordinate better if sending conflicting signals, reducing disorientation.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Develop healthy thought patterns and coping skills to better manage anxiety associated with chronic dizziness or vertigo episodes. Improves confidence and quality of life.

Regaining Balance: FAQs on Dizziness and Vertigo Recovery

What helps vertigo and dizziness go away?
Identifying and addressing the root cause offers the best chance for full recovery. Anti-nausea medication can temporarily relieve acute spinning sensations and nausea during severe episodes. But customized, active rehabilitation focused on sensory retraining, gait, balance, and strength training provides more lasting improvements in stability.

What are the do’s and don’ts if you have vertigo?
DO: Move slowly, use support aids as needed, keep lighting on, stay as active as tolerated, communicate needs clearly.
DON’T: Drive until symptoms resolve, lay flat after episodes, rush position changes, strain with exercise. Also avoid triggers like rapid head movements, excessive screen time, energetic head shaking, and sleep deprivation. Support healthy blood flow with proper hydration, diet, rest cycles, and light exercise.

What triggers vertigo?
Vertigo often links to specific provocative motions, especially those affecting the vestibular system. Sudden head motions, rolling over in bed, looking upwards, or visually busy environments can trigger episodic attacks. Identifying positions, motions, or activities prone to provoke symptoms helps guide treatment priorities and recommendations.

What are the top 3 causes of dizziness?
The most common causes include BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) from inner ear particles shifting, migraine-associated vertigo as a precursor aura or vestibular symptom, and cervicogenic dizziness from neck stiffness or joint irritation affecting balance signaling.

Regain Balance and Confidence with Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Greenville, SC Zone Physical Therapy

At Zone Physical Therapy Clinic, our vestibular/balance therapy team has extensive experience accurately diagnosing what triggers your dizziness or vertigo, and then guiding you through proper recovery. With research-supported assessment tools and customized treatment plans, patients see reduced symptom frequency/severity and a renewed ability to participate in work, recreation, or other quality-of-life activities. To determine if you could benefit from our specialized services, schedule a thorough evaluation with Dr. Christina Schultz, DPT by calling (864) 263-7390 today. Let us help you get back on your feet – confidently.

About The Author

Dr. Scott Kaylor, a Co-founder, Physical Therapist, empowers patients to unlock their full potential in Physical Therapy, Sports Injuries, and IASTM. Years of experience fuel their passion for helping individuals reclaim vibrant lives. At Zone Physical Therapy in Greenville, SC, Dr. Scott Kaylor combines innovative techniques with personalized care, tackling a broad spectrum of physical challenges. 

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Chuck Lattin

So thankful to find Scott! I am a 30 year old male. I lift weights and do some high intensity interval training. My lower back started giving me some grief about 2 years ago and got progressively worse to the point of impacting not only my work outs, but my day to day life. After visiting a couple of chiropractors with no relief, I was referred to Scott Kaylor at Zone PT. After 2 visits, I had the most relief I have had since the pain started. Scott had me back to 100% after a couple of months. I’m super impressed and extremely thankful! Next time, I won’t have to wait 2 years to find relief.

John Whitney

This February I developed fairly severe back pain that I fought until May. I could play golf or tennis but would be so sore the next day I could barely move. I was struggling to sleep. Scott was able to help me become pain free. I felt so good for about 4 weeks that I was back to doing everything I enjoy, and reaggrevated my back in June water skiing. Scott again got me through that and by July I was back to playing golf, tennis, and weight lifting. I have been back pain free now for 5 months and again doing what I like to do. I can’t think of anyone that has made a more meaningful difference in my life this year than Scott with Zoan PT. I suffered for months, and now enjoy normal, pain free movement. Words aren’t enough to thank him.