Category: Running

Dec6th 2022

The Soggy Sock: Acute-to-Chronic Workload Ratio

Written by Christina Schultz Last time we talked about building mileage and 3 rules of thumb for tackling this challenge safely. This edition we’re going to dive a little into ACWR (Acute-Chronic Workload Ratio) as an extra tool you can use and/or learn from.  ACWR looks at your 7-day training load (acute) and compares it

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The Soggy Sock: Building Mileage Oct13th 2022

The Soggy Sock: Building Mileage

Written by Christina Schultz Mileage is at the crux of any training program. Whatever training philosophy you ascribe to, there is some type of mileage or time build. A necessary challenge- mileage builds are where we see the most running injuries but are key to some extent for everyone. Even if you are not building

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100 Consecutive Days of Running Oct13th 2022

The Soggy Sock: What I Learned From 100 Consecutive Days of Running

Written by Scott Kaylor I am a runner, certainly not an elite runner, but nonetheless a runner. I have written before that I am wired to enjoy running and other endurance adventures. One of the mantras I tell myself when the running gets tough is, “Scott, you do hard things.” So, when I read about

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