Category: Physical Therapy

Do You Know the Importance Apr20th 2021

Do You Know the Importance of Stretching After Exercise?

Stretching After Exercise Can Improve Your Health and Decrease Your Risk of Injury! Have you decided to skip stretching after exercise? After a good workout it may be tempting to just hit the couch and take it easy. Your workout, however, isn’t quite finished. A proper cool down is necessary and this would include different

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Chronic-Back-Pain-Can-Leave-You-Feeling-Defeated Apr10th 2021

Chronic Back Pain Can Leave You Feeling Defeated – Physical Therapy Can Help

Are You Living with Chronic Back Pain? Does your back hurt all the time? Can’t seem to get comfortable or engage in your normal activities? If so, be sure to give us a call and schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. Our physical therapists can help lessen your pain or alleviate it

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Physical Therapy can help relieve your arthritis Feb5th 2021

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is one of the most frustrating types of pain. It is chronic, it is intense, and it can interfere with just about everything that you like to do throughout the day, from reducing your grip strength to making it difficult to shift between sitting and standing. There are many different types of medications

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