Zone Physical Therapy

Laser Therapy in Greenville, SC

Find Relief Through Targeted Laser Therapy in Greenville, SC

Have nagging injuries, inflammation, or pain disrupted your active lifestyle? You are not alone. In the US alone, an estimated 126 million adults live with various musculoskeletal conditions that hamper mobility and quality of life. Yet medication risks like addiction and surgery costs make many hesitate. But what if precise light could treat tissues and stimulate healing without drugs or going under the knife? At Zone Physical Therapy, we offer revolutionary laser therapy harnessing the power of light to target tissues, reducing inflammation and pain, accelerating wound healing, and more.

Who Benefits From Laser Therapy?

Laser therapy is suitable for men and women ages 18-55 seeking to regain activity after injuries or osteoarthritis. Whether you are an athlete, weekend warrior, or just starting to exercise, laser therapy could help you:

  • Recover faster from sprains, strains, fractures
  • Find relief from chronic joint pain
  • Heal wounds and surgical incisions
  • Reduce arthritis pain and stiffness
  • Improve range of motion
  • Stimulate acupuncture points without needles

Consult our knowledgeable Dr. Christina Schultz DPT to see if laser therapy is right for your needs. With concentrated light precision, laser therapy stimulates tissues in ways medication can’t replicate. And unlike surgery, it is non-invasive with virtually no downtime.

How Our Cutting-Edge Technology Works

Laser therapy directs highly focused light beams onto localized regions, interacting with tissues in various ways depending on the wavelength and dose. Consider it like a light wand able to target specific structures. For pain relief, laser therapy can modulate nerve signals and reduce inflammatory chemicals related to conditions like osteoarthritis or strains. For wound healing, laser therapy enhances new blood vessel formation and cell growth factors to accelerate repair. And for acupuncture, laser therapy stimulates points on meridians to relieve muscle tension and pain. With concentrated beams and application techniques tailored to each patient’s needs, laser therapy achieves localization and precision unmatched by other modalities. It can pinpoint ankle inflammation, stimulate precise trigger points, or enhance post-surgical wound healing.

Unlocking Your Potential With Light-Based Healing

Recover your active lifestyle through accelerated healing, localized pain relief, and improved function with laser therapy. Or keep injuries and pain from slowing you down in the first place.

Zone Physical Therapy offers cutting-edge laser therapy with Dr. Christina Schultz DPT using the latest pain and tissue research to personalize your treatment plan. Based on your health history and goals, customized laser therapy can help you:

1. Reduce Pain and Inflammation
For repetitive motion injuries, arthritis flare-ups, or post-workout soreness, laser therapy could significantly decrease your pain and inflammation levels. In athletes with knee osteoarthritis, regular laser therapy over 8 weeks reduced self-reported knee pain by 70% or more. Patients also decreased NSAID medication intake by 81%. Laser therapy modulates nerves, reducing pain signal transmission. One study applying laser therapy during hyaluronic acid injections achieved 97% pain reduction after just 1 treatment. By lowering inflammatory chemicals like C-reactive proteins and interleukin, laser therapy can rapidly resolve inflammatory pain from sprains or arthritis. Regain comfort and get back on your feet faster.

2. Accelerate Healing of Wounds
Do you have a wound or incisions struggling to close? Laser therapy can stimulate tissue regeneration. In a trial on patients with non-healing diabetic foot ulcers, standard wound care plus laser therapy resulted in 59% wound closure after 12 weeks versus only 0% closure with standard care alone. For burns, laser therapy decreased wound healing times by 61% compared to standard dressings. Incision healing and strength also improved. Through light-based cell signaling, laser therapy enhances growth factor release, new blood vessel formation, cell proliferation, and collagen synthesis for accelerated repair.

3. Improve Muscle and Tendon Recovery
Have a nagging strain or tendonitis flaring up? Laser therapy boosts tissue regeneration.

In athletes with Achilles tendinopathy, eccentric heel drop exercises plus laser therapy increased collagen production and organization based on tendon biopsies done pre and post treatment. Participants also had less pain and improved function. Laser therapy also increased satellite cell activation involved in muscle repair by 111% in mice after an induced injury compared to untreated injury groups. Through photobiomodulation, laser therapy enhances your body’s natural healing abilities for strained muscles and damaged tendons.

4. Alternative to Acupuncture
Reduce headache frequency or relieve low back pain through laser acupuncture. Concentrated light can stimulate trigger points and meridian sites without needles. One study found laser therapy as effective as needle acupuncture for tension headaches but with significantly less pain during treatment. Another trial concluded laser and needle acupuncture equally effective for chronic lower back pain.

Laser Therapy FAQs

What precautions apply to laser therapy?
Laser therapy is drug-free and noninvasive with virtually no side effects. But the light can damage eyes, so you must wear provided safety glasses during treatment. Additional precautions include avoiding cancerous tissues or certain medication sensitivities your provider can screen for. Pregnant patients should exercise caution as well until more safety research is done on fetal effects.

What conditions or health issues are risks for laser therapy?
Laser therapy risks include:

  • Cancer – lasers could stimulate tumor growth
  • Pregnancy – unknown fetal effects
  • Photosensitive drugs – may intensify light-based reactions
  • Immune system issues
  • Open wounds or sores – increased pain sensitivity

Inform Dr. Christina Schultz DPT of all medical history to evaluate risks before starting therapy.

How can I tell if laser therapy is beneficial for me?
Positive indicators that show laser therapy is delivering results include:

  • Decreased pain at rest and during activity
  • Less stiffness, increased range of motion
  • Faster wound closure
  • Improved function based on activity or strength tests
  • Being able to reduce anti-inflammatory medication usage

Track your progress through pain scales and mobility assessments to determine treatment effectiveness.

Are there cases when laser therapy should be avoided?
Avoid laser therapy if you have:

  • Cancerous tumors
  • Ocular issues like macular degeneration
  • Acute bleeding disorders
  • Recent seizures or epilepsy history
  • Open skin lesions
  • Certain drug therapies

Dr. Christina Schultz DPT completes comprehensive health screenings to advise if laser therapy suits your case or requires precautions. Certain conditions carry risk of side effects.

Experience Light-Based Healing

At Zone Physical Therapy, laser therapy harnesses concentrated light to target tissues, reducing pain and enhancing healing non-invasively. Regain comfort and function while avoiding medication overuse or surgery through accelerated recovery. We customize cutting-edge laser treatments to your needs for reduced inflammation, wound healing, improved circulation, and pain relief. Schedule a Consult Today to discuss your injury or condition with Dr. Christina Schultz, DPT and map out a laser therapy plan to have you feeling better fast. Discover how laser light could resolve your pain and get you thriving.

About The Author

Dr. Scott Kaylor empowers patients to unlock their full potential in Physical Therapy, Sports Injuries, and IASTM. Years of experience fuel their passion for helping individuals reclaim vibrant lives. At Zone Physical Therapy in Greenville, SC, Dr. Scott Kaylor combines innovative techniques with personalized care, tackling a broad spectrum of physical challenges.

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I’m a 46 yr old CrossFit athlete who came to Zone PT because of a back strain/tightness that I’ve been dealing with for 4 weeks. I should’ve come way sooner. After an adjustment, some dry needling and some unique but simple breathing/core exercises I feel way better after one visit. I left with practical tools I can continue to improve with on my own time. There was no talk about getting me on a treatment plan … instead it was right to the point of how to get me help TODAY. I can’t recommend Scott and his team high enough!

Garrett Bounds

I’m a runner and have been dealing with some injuries over the last few years. Staying healthy is how you build fitness and make progress and Scott has been the secret sauce for staying healthy in my case. He helped me with a plan to address some turf toe pain and I managed to PR in the 5k afterwards. Most recently I was dealing with some IT band knee pain from increasing volume and Scott prescribed some strength training exercises to bring muscles into better balance. Shortly after I had a 37 minute PR in the marathon. Staying healthy and in the game is key and having a brilliant PT has been the answer for me to continue being able to go after goals. Plus I leave the office each time with a huge smile and a renewed positive outlook on life. Can recommend with total confidence!