Zone Physical Therapy

Soft Tissue Mobilization in Greenville, SC

Find Relief Through Soft Tissue Mobilization in Greenville, SC

If you’re an athlete, weekend warrior, or just looking to return to an active lifestyle after injury, tight muscles and restricted joints may be holding you back. Stiff tissues limit mobility, cause discomfort, and prevent you from moving the way you want. At Zone Physical Therapy , we offer hands-on soft tissue mobilization (STM) to help you move and feel better.

Who Can Benefit from Soft Tissue Mobilization in Greenville, SC?

Our targeted STM therapy brings relief to both men and women typically between 18 and 55 years old looking to regain mobility and ease nagging pains. We help everyone from high school and college athletes to recreational runners, golfers, tennis players, and other weekend warriors restore flexibility and continue pursuing their active passions.

STM also aids patients recovering from injuries or surgery who want to heal faster and return to activities they enjoy. Common conditions we successfully treat include:

  • Chronic low back, hip, hamstring, or IT band tightness
  • Repetitive stress injuries in the shoulders, knees, or ankles
  • Post-surgery stiffness in the knees, hips, or shoulders

If lack of mobility, stability, or recurring discomfort prevents you from living actively, our expert STM techniques can help you regain movement confidence.

How Does Soft Tissue Mobilization Restore Flexibility and Reduce Pain?

Have you ever used a foam roller or massage therapy ball to work out muscle knots and joint stiffness? STM performs a similar function but goes deeper, targeting the root cause of restrictions in your soft tissues.

Our physical therapists use hands-on techniques like slow, gentle strokes, compression, stretching, and cross-fiber massage to lift restrictions in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, scar tissue, and joint capsules. Think of it as a therapeutic deep-tissue massage designed to systematically restore sliding flexibility between layers of tissue. As we remove adhesions, mobilize stiff spots, and rehydrate dehydrated tissues, you regain flexibility and mobility. Soft tissues glide smoothly again, reducing tugging, friction, and discomfort that previously limited movement and causing pain.

Restoring healthy flexibility to your joints, fascia, and musculoskeletal system through STM facilitates dynamic stability, posture, and biomechanics. This allows you to move through activities and exercise with greater ease, power, and less risk of re-injury.

The Lasting Benefits of Soft Tissue Mobilization

Over one to three STM therapy sessions, our experts provide customized hands-on treatments tailored to your unique mobility restrictions and dysfunctions. Benefits our patients experience include:

  • Reduced Pain and Discomfort: STM eliminates tissue stiffness surrounding muscles, fascia, joints, and nerves, alleviating common discomforts, strains, and inflammation.
  • Increased Range of Motion and Flexibility: Muscles and joints with improved mobility mean greater flexibility and less tightness during activity.
  • Enhanced Function for Daily Tasks and Sports: With tissue restrictions lifted, many patients find bending, lifting, overhead motions, and athletic movements easier.
  • Improved Posture and Body Mechanics: STM identifies and eliminates imbalance, pulling postural muscles into better alignment.
  • Faster Healing and Recovery: Boosted blood flow to treated areas may accelerate healing and repair after injury.

Frequently Asked Questions About Soft Tissue Mobilization

What Activities Typically Target Soft Tissue Mobilization?
Our skilled therapists customize your STM treatment based on your health history and specific goals. We construct sessions targeting muscle groups and joints causing the most movement limitations based on your needs and activities. For example, runners and hikers often have tight hip flexors, IT bands, hamstrings, calves, and feet restricting performance and causing pain. Tennis and golf players commonly have shoulder impingements and rotator cuff stiffness interfering with swing mechanics. And desk workers and weightlifters alike frequently have tight low back tissues leading to limited mobility.

What Does the Soft Tissue Mobilization Procedure Involve?
We begin STM treatments by identifying limited, stiff, or painful spots and gently applying direct pressure and mobilizing motions like stretching, compression, or cross-fiber strokes. Your therapist will communicate with you about your comfort level as they work to lift mobility restrictions preventing normal joint play and muscle contractions.

How Does STM Differ From Myofascial Release?
While the two therapies seem similar and offer comparable benefits, key differences exist. Myofascial release uses gentle, sustained pressure to unwind fascia and release tension. STM goes beyond fascia to focus on mobilizing and manipulating muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint capsules – any tissue limiting mobility.

Meet Your Greenville, SC Soft Tissue Mobilization Providers

Our whole team looks forward to helping you move and feel better through personalized STM treatment plans. Your care starts with an initial evaluation by Dr. Christina Schultz, DPT to pinpoint your unique mobility limitations, diagnose underlying causes, and create a tailored treatment strategy combining STM and therapeutic exercises.

Dr. Christina Schultz brings extensive experience using STM techniques to safely yet effectively eliminate restrictions preventing patients from pursuing active lifestyles. We continue adjusting and progressing your treatments based on your feedback and demonstrated improvements in flexibility, movement patterns, stability, strength, and symptoms.

Start Relieving Joint and Muscle Stiffness Today

If lack of mobility or flexibility due to tight tissues interferes with your athletic performance, enjoyment of everyday tasks, or quality of life, specialized STM may help – without medications or surgery. Call Zone Physical Therapy in Greenville, SC now to discuss your concerns and schedule a thorough assessment to see if hands-on STM is right for you.

About The Author

Dr. Scott Kaylor, a Physical Therapist specializing in Physical Therapy, Sports Injuries, and IASTM, puts patients at the forefront of their care. With years of experience, they guide individuals towards achieving their best selves. At Zone Physical Therapy in Greenville, SC, Dr. Scott Kaylor crafts individualized plans using cutting-edge techniques, empowering patients to overcome limitations and thrive.

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Tracey Reid

I developed golf elbow 2 years ago and tried rest, pt etc but nothing worked. Had an mri and surgery was recommended. It was going to be a long recovery so I talked to my orthopedic Dr. who said there is a pt person having success with elbows. I have been working with Christina for 3 weeks and my progress has been remarkable. I thought I was even completely cured yesterday. Christina said there will be some up and down days but I am so excited and feeling so well now. Excruciating pain to barely there!

Jennifer Leahy

Highly recommend Scott Kaylor and his team! We entrusted Scott with our 18 year old son, a hockey player, who underwent double hip surgery for FAI and labral tears. Scott was incredibly knowledgable about his rehabilitation, he was communicative and attentive, and our son was stronger and back in action faster than we had ever imagined. In addition to being great at what he does, Scott was an absolute pleasure to work with. My son is a huge fan and we are very thankful we found him.