Creating a Pre-Season Throwing Program

Our team at Zone has seen hundreds of baseball and softball players! We typically see an influx of baseball players with arm injuries during the first month of the season. While we love working with throwing athletes, we’d much prefer to watch them play than have them injured on our treatment table.

To increase the likelihood of success make sure these things are in place:
  • Have a systematic plan!
  • Ideally, you build up your throwing for 4-8 weeks before stepping on a mound (builds up your throwing fitness level to meet the demands of mound work)
  • Increase your volume & distance systematically
  • Have pre- and post-throwing routines
  • Perform self-assessments to assess readiness to throw (ie, fatigue, arm and hip motion)
  • Listen to your arm/body (Pitching regularly with a fatigued arm = 36x more likely to have an injury and potentially need surgery!)